Salgado, Kathlene Joy M. and Cunanan, Rachellyne Joy M. and Distura, Anna Jomela M. and Divino, Melody Jane B. and Esguerra, Karen Mae P. and Manansala, Jvan Jusfer O. and Maranan, Donna May I. and Medina, Estephanie A. (2012) A tracer study of the bachelor of science in tourism management alumni of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas from batch 2006-2010: basis for program enrichment. Undergraduate thesis, De La Salle University-Dasmariñas.
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ABSTRACT Title: A Tracer Study of the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Alumni of De La Salle University- Dasmariñas from batch 2006-2010: Basis for Program Enrichment Proponents: Salgado, Kathlene Joy M. Alcala, Jhoanna Kate C. Cunanan, Rachellyne Joy M. Distura, Anna Jomela M. Divino, Melody Jane B. Esguerra, Karen Mae P. Manansala, Jvan Jusfer O. Maranan, Donna May I. Medina, Estephanie A. Research Adviser: Ms. Irene Gueco, MBA-TM Research Professor: Mr. Paul Anthony Notorio, MBA-TM Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Science in Tourism Managemen School: De La Salle University- Dasmariñas Year: 2012 Purpose Statement The study is designed to trace the whereabouts, developments and present situation of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management alumni from batch 2006-2010 of De La Salle University- Dasmariñas as a basis for program enrichment. Methodology The descriptive method of research was used in the study. Descriptive method of research involves the description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition, or process of phenomena. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as current condition based on the results of survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data in this study. It is easy and quick to gather data with the use of this instrument. There were 100 participants of this study. These participants were distributed by batch, 11 alumni from batch 2006, 12 alumni from batch 2007, 26 alumni from batch 2008, 28 alumni from batch 2009 and 23 alumni from batch 2010. The sampling methods used were snowball sampling and quota sampling. One of the statistical methods used was frequency distribution. The use of this treatment was for the demographic profile of the respondents. The percentage was used in the study to present information. The mean was used to determine the weighted average of the respondents who answered the questionnaire. A five point type of Likert Scale was used for the evaluation of the survey questionnaire. Ranking was used to arrange the mean as the areas of operation in Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program and their job satisfaction as it was interpreted. Findings 1. Profile Variable In terms of the position/designation, the two highest percentage are the Hotel Related and Others with twenty percent (20%), Airline Related with eighteen percent (18%), Food and Beverage with eleven percent (11%), unemployed with ten percent (10%), Travel and Tour Related with eight percent (8%), Self-Employed with five percent (5%), Gaming Related with four percent (4%), Cruise Related with three percent (3%) and the lowest percentage is the Government Related with one percent (1%). When it comes to the length of service the longest service that alumni respondents have been rendering are two years and below with seventy seven percent(77%) of Alumni, three to five years with eleven percent(11%), Unemployed with ten percent(10%), and the lowest is six years and above with two percent(2%). With regard to salary, the highest percentage is nineteen percent (19%) referring to those who have been receiving P10,001-15,000 per month followed by P20,001-25,000 with sixteen percent (16%) , P15,001-20,000, P35,001-40,000 with eleven percent (11%), Unemployed with ten percent (10%), P10,000 and below and P25,001-30,000 with nine percent (9%), P50,000 and above with eight percent (8%) , P30,001-35,000 with four percent (4%), and the lowest salary P40,001-45,000 with three percent (3%). In terms of special awards/honors that the alumni received, the highest is Not applicable with eighty seven percent (87%) which indicates that majority of the alumni respondents did not receive any awards/honors, Employee of the month with six percent (6%), Officer of the year with two percent (2%) and the lowest are Guest Compliment Awardee, Max’s Mystery Guest Program Awardee (MGP), Promotion as a Manager, Best in Board Announcement, and Honesty Award with one percent (1%). In terms of affiliation’s percentage, the highest affiliation of alumni respondents is Not Applicable with ninety seven percent (97%) which indicates that majority of the alumni respondents are not affiliated with any organization, and the lowest are DSK group of companies, Junior Saver's Int'l (religious organization) and Red Cross, Cavite chapter with one percent (1%). In terms of further educational attainment, the highest is not applicable with ninety six percent (96%) which means that majority of the alumni respondents did not pursue any further educational attainment, Graduate Program with two percent (2%) and the lowest result was with 18 education units and Basic photography with one percent (1%). 2. Retrospective Assessment Program The areas in the operation of the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program of De La Salle University – Dasmariñas that needs program enrichment has the mean of below 3.49. The following with their respected mean results are Librarian having the mean of 3.49, student area that has 3.48 of mean, computer laboratory that has 3.35, employment/placement which has 3.38, medical and dental which has 3.35, admission policy that has 3.47, tuition fee that has 3.27 and research requirement that has 3.39 of mean. There were major problems encountered by the alumni respondents regarding the areas of operation in Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management during their college life thus making these areas’ results to be just satisfactory that leads to program enrichment. DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY – DASMARIÑAS x Students and parents are not familiar with the coverage of the payments with regards to the tuition fee. Meanwhile, the admission policy has unorganized enrolment procedures. It affects the students who are going to enroll in the university. Somehow, students are not aware of the medical & dental benefits that the university provides that is included in the payment upon enrolment. In terms of research requirement, some students had difficulties with regards to the reference materials they need in making their research studies. On the other hand, students encounter an unapproachable librarian. Lacking of specific area wherein students could ask help is also a problem. There was also no existing evaluation for librarians to evaluate their performances. While, the students area are not well constructed for the students who are going to have their seminars, discussions and trainings. Likewise, the students find a problem with regards to the computer that they need for their hands-on activities. It lacks computer supply for the laboratory. And lastly, the alumni respondents find it hard to choose the job for their profession in Tourism Industry because of the lack of support and assistance from the Alumni Replacement Office. Furthermore, Tour Location obtained the highest mean of 4.14. This means that among all the factors considered in the assessment of the program, the respondents considered the location of the tour as most effective. Job Satisfaction The over-all assessment of the respondents about their job satisfaction is equivalent to 3.92. This can be interpreted as “Satisfied”. The salary of the alumni respondents that they get from their job has an equivalent mean of 3.77, which means that the alumni are satisfied. The benefits that they are getting from their job has a mean of 3.74 which shows that majority of the respondents are satisfied. The relationship of the alumni among their colleagues resulted to mean of 4.20, which means that they are satisfied. The company management style should be improved based on the respondents’ assessment since it had the lowest mean. 3. Relationship of the Profile Variable of the Respondents and its Retrospective Assessment to the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program With the results of the gathered data, it has been analyzed that there was no significant relationship between the respondents’ variable in terms of position, length of service, salary, awards, affiliations and further education attainment to the retrospective assessment program of the respondents. It was interpreted that all variable has a greater than 0.05 rejection value. Thus, making the null hypothesis accepted. In terms of Position, there is no significant relationship between the position and the retrospective assessment of the respondents since the degrees of freedom is 18 and the P-value of the Pearson chi-square is .508 and .372 for its likelihood ratio, which is greater than 0.05-rejection value. Thus, making the null hypothesis accepted. With regard to the length of service, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between the length of service and the program assessment is accepted since the degrees of freedom is 6 and the P-value of the Pearson chi-square is .060 and .090 for its likelihood ratio. In addition to that, it is greater than the 0.05 rejection value. When it comes to salary, there is still no significant relationship, making the null hypothesis accepted for this reason that the degrees of freedom is 18 and the P-value of the Pearson chi-square is .314 and the likelihood ratio is .084, which is greater than 0.05 rejection value. In terms of the Awards, there is no significant relationship between awards and the program assessment of the respondents for the interpretation that the degrees of freedom is 14 and the P-value of Pearson chi-square is .501 and the likelihood ratio is .521 which is greater than the rejection value of 0.05. Thus, making the null hypothesis accepted. The affiliation as one of the profile variable showed that there is no significant relationship between the affiliations and the program assessment in view of the fact that since the degrees of freedom is 6 and the P-value of Pearson chi-square is .773 and .631 for the likelihood ratio that was greater than the value of rejection, which is 0.05. As a result, the null hypothesis accepted. The Further Education attainment has no significant relationship with the program assessment of the respondents having the degrees of freedom is 6 and P-value of chi-square as .445 and the likelihood ratio of .312, which is greater than the 0.05 rejection value. For this reason, the null hypothesis accepted. Relationship of the Profile Variable of the Respondents and its Retrospective Assessment to their Job Satisfaction The variable of the respondents and the job satisfaction has no significant relationship in terms of Position, Length of Service, Awards, Affiliations and the Further Educational attainment since all of this has a greater value for its rejection except for the salary aspect of the profile variable of the respondents is the only one, which has a significant relationship to the job satisfaction of the respondents. In terms of Position, it was interpreted that it has no significant relationship between the position and the job satisfaction since the degrees of freedom is 27 and the P-value of Pearson chi-square is 0.082 and .443 likelihood ratio, which is greater than the rejection value of 0.05. Thus, making the null hypothesis accepted. When it comes to the length of service, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship is accepted. For this reason that, the degree of freedom is 9 and the P-value is .929 for its chi-square and .801 likelihood ratio and it was greater than the 0.05 rejection value. With regard to salary, there is a significant relationship between the salary and the job satisfaction of the respondents since the degrees of freedom is 27 and P-value of the Pearson chi-square is .006 and .410 for likelihood ratio, which is greater than the rejection value of 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis rejected. When it comes to awards, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship is accepted given that the degrees of freedom is 21 and P-value for its Pearson chi-square is 0.172 and .553 for likelihood ratio that was greater than 0.05 rejection value. In terms of Affiliations, there is still no significant relationship between the affiliations and the job satisfaction of the respondents in view of the fact that the degrees of freedom is 9 and the P-value for its Pearson chi-square is 0.733 while .991 for likelihood ratio, which is greater than 0.05 rejection value. Consequently, making the null hypothesis accepted. When it comes to further educational attainment, null hypothesis of no significant relationship is accepted since the degrees of freedom is 9 and it has a P-value of .783 for its’ Pearson chi-square and .785 for likelihood ratio which is greater than rejection value of 0.05. 4. Proposed Program Enrichment A Program Enrichment that could improve and enhance the eight areas in the operation of the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Program. This Program Enrichment will focus on ways to uplift the current rating, which is 3.49 mean which is just satisfactory. Conclusions Based on the aforementioned findings the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Mostly all the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management alumni works in hotel related jobs and practice the program of hotel management. Most of them stayed for less than two years of service in their company which shows that all the alumni are still not regular on their work. They still seek for security since it is only an average salary range they are mostly receiving. While majority of them did not have honors/ awards received from their company it means that they are not yet motivated to work efficiently and their superiors do not recognize their efforts. Majority of them is not involved in community, company and church affiliations because they do not want to spend time to have social relationships and they just want to focus on the quality of their work. Few of the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management alumni took further studies or course for their growth career. 2. Based on the results, the researchers found out that there were eight areas in the program, which fell into the ratings of below 3.49 of mean value that is equivalent to Good. These areas are composed of student area, employment/placement, librarian, tuition fee, computer laboratory, medical/dental services, admission policy and research requirement. 3. For the over-all assessment of the variable the findings showed that there were no significant relationship between the position and length of service, awards, affiliations and further educational attainment to retrospective assessment. However, the variable pertaining to salary showed that there was significant relationship towards job satisfaction. 4. A Program Enrichment that could improve and enhance the eight areas in the operation of the B.S Tourism Management Program. This Program Enrichment will focus on ways to uplift the current rating, which is 3.49 rating which is just satisfactory. Together with the commitment of the academe in providing excellence and to ensure quality service and education. Each and every areas of the operation has its own activities, which will contribute to the betterment of the service and operation. Recommendations In the light of the significant findings and conclusions of the study, the following are recommended: 1. To embellish the tours for every semester, exposure of every student during the educational tours are highly recommended. Tours should not be only for traveling but also for understanding every aspects of the site. 2. Enhancement of the seminars, which are related to major subjects, are needed for the students to be more familiar and informed with several information, which relates to tourism and hotel operations. 3. Hotel and resort phase should be added to the practicum program, as seen that the alumni are mostly employed in hotel locally and internationally. 4. For the graduating students, exclusive job fair are suggested to occur by the Tourism Department every two months before the end of classes. Tourism Related companies are the only companies that should be available in the proposed job fair. 5. Allocating specific student area within the building of College of International Hospitality Management is advised for the students to have a private area to study and to relax during their free time. 6. Provide activities or orientation regarding the tuition fee for the students and parents to be aware for what the tuition fees covered all throughout the semester. 7. Enrich and promote the medical and dental services for all the students, faculty and staff of the university. 8. Provide a computer laboratory exclusive for the College of International Hospitality Management students for them to have their own computers for their hands-on activities. 9. Offer linkages that will connect the Alumni Relations and Placement Office to the alumni students of the Tourism Management Department. 10. Stipulate a thesis section in the College of International Hospitality Management office for future researchers that could possibly be a guide in making research studies. 11. For future researchers, it is highly encouraged to conduct a continuous tracer study for another set of batch of the Tourism Management alumni of DLSU-D to keep track of the graduates through a record prepared by our own students.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | TM 11 2012 |
Subjects: | L Education > LC Special aspects of education L Education > LC Special aspects of education > LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education |
Users: | College of Tourism and Hospitality Management > Tourism Management |
Depositing User: | Users 4 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 27 Feb 2016 00:19 |
Last Modified: | 08 Nov 2024 08:32 |
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